Prenatal Care

  • Hour long visits will be scheduled every week to four weeks based on gestation

  • Maternal: blood pressure, pulse, weight, fundal height, uranalysis

  • Routine lab work drawn in the office

  • Fetal: Fetal heart rate, position, EFW

  • Teaching topics based on gestation

  • Counseling and emotional assessment

  • Diagnostic testing as required

  • Recommendations on nutrition, homeopathy, herbs, allopathic medication as warranted

  • Referrals for higher level of care when conditions arise outside of scope of practice

Labor & Delivery

What to expect:

  • Basic birth kit and pool provided

  • Continuous monitoring of both mother and baby

  • Freedom to move, eat, and drink during labor

  • Guidance for position and activities changes

  • Hands-on and homeopathic/herbal comfort measures as desired

  • Mother’s birth preferences are acknowledged and honored as long as birth is safe

  • Delayed cord clamping

  • Complete newborn assessment

 **If a transport becomes necessary, your midwife will become your doula.*

Postpartum & Newborn Care

  • RhoGam is available as needed

  • Newborn care and postpartum care instructions

  • 24-72 hour home visit to check-up on baby and mother

  • 2 week and 6 week postpartum visit to continue monitoring of baby and mother (more visits are given if needed)

  • Newborn Screening at 2 day and 2 week visit offered

  • Congenital heart defect screening offered between 24 and 48 hour postpartum

  • Family planning options discussed at final appointment

  • Pap smear is offered at final appointment

  • Birth certificate will be filed by midwife

Placenta Encapsulation

Placenta encapsulation is the process of dehydrating the placenta and placing into capsules for ingested by the mother. As a midwife, I encourage mothers to research and consider adding these capsules to their postpartum regimen.

I have seen women that experience increased energy, increased level of milk production, and decreased baby blues. There are many other benefits that a mother may experience since her hormones will begin to balance quicker.

I offer placenta encapsulation to clients of Little Love Midwifery at no additional cost.